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Nyhetsliste september – oktober 2019

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Publisert: 6. desember 2019 | Endret: 30. januar 2024

Bilde av to bøker HIstoric construction and conservation og Looting or missioning
Nyhetsliste Fra Biblioteket 15.september 22.oktober 2019

Bøker, trykte rapporter og avhandlinger

Adaptive reuse of the built heritage, 2019, Routledge, ISBN: 9781138062764

Dating buildings and landscapes with tree-ring analysis : an introduction with case studies, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-138-50395-3

Dendroclimatology in southern Norway: tree rings, demography and climate, 2019 – Avhandling, NTNU, ISBN: 9788232639861

Fortidsminder i kirkjubøur færøernes middelalderlige bispesæde, 2018, Faroe Islands National Museum, ISBN: 9789992835914

Heritage under pressure : threats and solutions, 2019, Oxbow Books, ISBN: 9781789252460

Historic construction and conservation : materials, systems and damage, 2019, ISBN: 9780367145743

Hus på vei : Moving houses, 2019, Fragment, ISBN: 9788269179606

Kongsvold fjeldstue : i sansenes rike, 2019, Kongsfold fjeldstue AS, ISBN: 9788230341575

Kulturlandskapet som undervisningsarena, 2019, Västerbottens museum, ISBN: 9789151912943

Looting or missioning : insular and continental sacred objects in Viking age contexts in Norway, 2019, Oxbow Books, ISBN: 9781789253184

Monument culture : international perspectives on the future of monuments in a changing world, 2019, Rowman & Littlefield, ISBN : 9781538114148

Nationalmuseet og storstensgravene 1890-1950 : mennesker, fortidsminder og museale forhold, 2018, Syddansk universitetsforlag, ISBN: 9788740831528

Ni landskap : kulturhistoriske områder i Østfold av nasjonal interesse, 2019, Ask forlag, ISBN: 9788292221303

Norske myntfunn : 1050-1319 : penger, kommunikasjon og fromhetskultur, 2019 Dreyers forlag, ISBN: 9788282651714

Norges kulturvernforbund 25 år : 1994-2019, 2019, Norges kulturvernforbund, ISBN: 9788269158205

Northern europe winners of the EU prize for cultural heritage : Europa nostra awards 1978- 2018, 2018, Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda, ISBN: 9788269130607

Når fortida blir framtida : arbeiderbevegelsen i de tekniske og industrielle kulturminnene, 2019, Industrianleggenes Fellesråd, ISBN : 9788230343104

Oseberg : de gåtefulle billedvevene, 2019, Scandinavian Academic Press, ISBN: 9788230402382

Reshaping Urban Conservation : The Historic Urban Landscape Approach in Action, 2019, Springer, ISBN: 9789811088865

Ruin and redemption in architecture, 2019, Phaidon Press Limited, ISBN: 9780714878027

Underwater cultural heritage : ethical concepts and practical challenges, 2019, Routledge, ISBN: 9781138606142

Wood as building material : quality criteria and guidelines, 201-, Statens fastighetsverk


Aust-Agder-arv : årbok for Aust-Agder kulturhistoriske senter 2018, Aust-Agder museum og arkiv

Fjell-folk : årbok for Rørosmuseet 2018, Rørosmuseet Sankt Eriks årsbok 2018, Samfundet Sankt Erik

Elektroniske publikasjoner

Arkeologiska förväntningar i mötet med ett landskap: Stenålderns Blekinge ur ett kunskapsperspektiv, 2019, Södertörn Archaeological Studies, ISBN: 9789198034653

Heritage Science Sverige forum 2018: 27 november 2018 Riksantikvarieämbetet, Stockholm, Riksantikvarieämbetet, 2019.

Utvalgt bok:


Looting or missioning: insular and Continental Sacred Objects in Viking Age Contexts in Norway


Bilde av boka Looting and Missioning

Egil Mikkelsen


Oxbow Books


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Until now insular and continental material, mostly metal-work, found in pagan Viking Age graves in Norway, has been interpreted as looted material from churches and monasteries on the British Isles and the Continent. The raiding Vikings brought these objects back to their homeland where they were often broken up and used as jewellery or got alternative functions. Looting or Missioning looks at the use and functions of these sacred objects in their original Christian contexts. Based on such an analysis the author proposes an alternative interpretation of these objects: they were brought by Christian missionaries from different parts of the British Isles and the Continent to Norway. The objects were either personal (crosses, croziers, portable reliquaries etc.), objects used for baptism (hanging bowls), equipment to officiate a mass (mountings from books or reading equipment, altars or crosses) or to give the communion (pitchers, glass vessels, chalices, paten). We know from contemporary sources (Ansgar in Birka, Sweden in the ninth century) that missionaries brought this sort of equipment on their mission journeys. We also hear that missionaries were robbed, killed or chased off. Mikkelson interprets the sacred objects found in Viking Age pagan graves as objects that originate from the many unsuccessful mission attempts in Norway throughout the Viking Age. They changed function and were integrated in the pagan tradition. The conversion and Christianisation of Norway can thus be seen as a long-lasting process, at least from about 800 (but probably earlier) to the beginning of the eleventh century. As we must assume that the written sources on the subject are incomplete, the archaeological evidences are the main source. In addition to metal work and written sources, the dating and interpretation of stone crosses, rune stones, manuscript fragments and early Christian graves and churches are discussed. The main part of the manuscript regards the context of all these sources, studied in each part of Norway separately: Where do we find concentrations of objects that could support the interpretation of these being the result of mission attempts, and where can we combine archaeological and written sources to tentatively create more complete stories related to mission? One analysis is of special interest to British and Norwegian scholars and even a broader audience. It refers to the chieftain Ohthere from Northern Norway, who visited King Alfred the Great in Winchester in 890. The author finds a link between Alfred´s court and Ohthere´s farm which, it is argued, for was Borg at Vestvågøy, Lofoten, where the biggest Viking Age house in Northern Europe has been excavated. In the hall of this house were found a rare glass beaker with gold cross decorations, a Continental or British made pitcher, pieces of a bronze bowl and an æstel of gold. This last piece is only found in Northern Norway and in England, with Wessex and Mercia as the core areas. “The Alfred Jewel” (Ashmolean Museum) is also an æstel of the same main type, but much more splendid and with an inscription relating it to King Alfred. Mikkelson argues for a bishop being sent from Wessex and Alfred´s court on Ohthere´s ship back to Northern Norway as a missionary.